West OKC Community Conversation - Homelessness
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 5, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CST
Tuesday, March 5 @ Noon
There is no charge but registration is required here: https://Westokcmarch.eventbrite.com
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The Tuesday, March 5 West OKC Community Conversation will provide continuing education and discussion about homelessness focusing on how to have reasoned responses to the challenges; mental health; information about resources; and how to work towards creating a sense of community clarity and hope.
There will be presentations from speakers Terri White, CEO of Mental Health Association Oklahoma; Meghan Mueller with the Homeless Alliance; Jamie Caves with Key to Home; followed by question and answers.
There will also be an update on the Taylor Ridge Apartments in The Windsor District.
Lunch will be provided. Registration required: https://Westokcmarch.eventbrite.com