Community Conversation on Homelessness in West OKC
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
There is no charge but registration is required here: https://WOKCHomelessComConv.eventbrite.com

Residents and businesses are invited to a West OKC Community Conversation.
Speakers include:
Lindsay Cates-OKC Homeless Services
D elisa Jones-Second Chance Thrift Store
Major Dan Stewart-OKCPD HOT Team
Dan Straughn-Homeless Alliance
You will learn what the city is doing to address this challenge and about resources/ideas on how you can respond to it; plus, a question and answer time.
A light meal will be provided. There is no charge but registration is required: https://WOKCHomelessComConv.eventbrite.com